“Hi Cindy, I just wanted to reach out and say thank you for your amazing products! I ordered 1 ounce of pure oregano oil and received a free face serum....... The face serum works WONDERS!!!!!!! I had a huge (hard and painful) pimple growing on my lip and tried out the face serum last night and woke up with my pimple GONE! I love you guys for making this product! I will be a loyal customer from here on out. My sister is placing an order right now. PLEASE provide her with the same free face serum and you will be happy with 2 repeat customers. MORE to come.. I will let everyone that I know and care about check out your website. ”
— Victoria K.
“When I get busy, not enough sleep, or exposed to colds or sore throat type viruses, I take five drops of Oregano Oil in a shot glass of water and repeat this daily until symptoms are gone. What I’ve discovered is that I never get really sick anymore. ”
— Pat G, Moscow, Idaho
“I always planned to email you but never got round to it. Well finally I am and I wanted to tell you that without a shadow or a doubt I fully endorse your product and your integrity in a world that doesn’t focus honesty as a priority. As an avid researcher in health and nutrition, this Oregano Oil has 5 big gold stars from me. ”
— James, United Kingdom
“I have used oregano oil since 2005, and have found that yours is the best I have used. It took me almost a year to find an oil that wasn’t mixed with 80% olive oil. Thanks for carrying such a great product. ”
— Sue
“This product is amazing. Had a wart on my finger that the doctor froze off honestly more than a dozen times over a years time. Then I heard about Oregano oil. First I put it on diluted with olive oil then covered it with duct tape overnight. I did this for a week and the second week I put it on straight, even though I know it is not recommended to use undiluted I was careful to put directly on the wart not the surrounding skin My wart is finally gone. Great product. ”
— Lori B.
““I cannot express how thankful I am for your oil. I am a RN at a urgent care, and get exposed to many different things. My immune system was always very compromised and I often had to take a lot of time off work to recuperate. This winter I have been using 10 to 12 drops daily and my body has finally been able to bounce back quickly despite getting chronic colds. I am also a mother of a toddler so this is even more appreciated. Thank you again for all your healing oils and care.””
— Cari L.
“I just wanted to say THANK YOU for the unbelievable skin serum. What a surprise to receive it with my oregano oil order. I’ve been using your oregano oil for years and recommend it to all of my family, friends, and clients. I’m a lover of skin oils and this is my all time favorite. The smell alone is heavenly and even has my husband asking me to put it on him every night. :) Seriously, if you made this into some kind of perfume/body spray I couldn’t get enough!”
— Jill V.
“I got some Oregano World Organic Healthy Skin Serum for myself and my 20 something daughter. I loved it for myself and felt it was a great moisturizer and loved the slight tingle from the oregano oil. My daughter used it and saw an improvement in her cystic acne. Oregano is such a powerful herb. We are on our second bottles and plan to keep using it long term. ”